Saturday, June 22, 2013

Volkswagen Tall - Tall Girl

Volkswagen Tall is a spunky looking little car with a higher roof." The spot "Tall Girl" showcases a very tall woman going on a variety of outings with men who are about a head shorter than her. At the very end she meets a man whose head does not appear in frame at first.  When he comes up to her he is about the same height that she is. She gets in the Volkswagen Tall and they drive off together over a brightly lit bridge into the city. The tag line "surprising spacious" appears and the spot ends.

There is some implication that the car is like the woman - lovely, but a little quirky. It is charming and shows the theme of the car, a little different, a little special, more than the product itself. This creates a stronger feeling for the car than a number of car ads which show the car going quickly or the tech developments of the car. The ad used emotion rather than logic to sell and with a well know brand like Volkswagen, that has a reputation for being quirky, this ad fit into their larger brand voice well.

However, I was confused at the beginning as to whether she was going on dates with these men or was just going about life being taller than everyone. It was more clear at the end when she met the final man that she was going on dates, but I felt the previous scenes with shorter men should've been more clearly dates. A lot of them were outside or in big ambiguous buildings, had they happened in bars, coffee shops, and restaurants instead it would've been more clear.

Like my complaint about the Axe ad having really forgettable music I think that this commercial could've benefitted from some better music. The music was just background noise even though there was no speaking in the ad. When there is no dialogue to hear there is a great chance to hit the message home with an appropriate song. I wish a something a little quirky or a song about a search had been played during the ad.

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