Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Cannes Day 4

To set the stage for today I left my festival badge at the apartment and had to ride the train a few stops back to get it. Normally, I'm a pretty prepared person so I arrived at the festival feeling young, flustered, and rather silly. 

Then I saw a seminar in which Anderson Cooper interviewed Conan O' Brien about how he uses comedy to connect and communicate with people. 

Then the UGA program was lucky enough to have a private talk with Conan. He told us some about his career and we asked him a handful of questions. He tried to pass on some advice about authenticity, which in his case is conveyed through comedy, and about trusting yourself and being confident. 

After that I went to a DigitasLBI workshop about constant content for brands on YouTube.  Comedian Katherine Ryan helped out and after that UGA students again got a private session to ask her questions. She also told us we should be authentic by "finding our voice." She illustrated this with experiences from her life.

Now I'm watching Than Khai Meng, worldwide creative director of Oglivy & Mather (a large ad agency), talk about some of his work. At the beginning he asked the room why we were all here and the winning answers were so we can creat culture, so we can change, and so we can get better.

So today I've heard a lot of advice from experts in varying fields and levels about how to change. It was nice to see some successful people and be somewhat convinced that they aren't as brilliant as they are cracked up to be; they're just people. It takes a little bit of glitter out of the future for my generation and places it within reach. 

It's interesting walking around a bunch of performers and creative people and communicators and realizing they all want the same thing - attention.  The entire communication industry can be summed up as the attempt to share an idea, whether it be funny, profound, or ingenious, with people.

All I really want from my life is to find ideas that are wonderful and convey them to people successfully. 

So, by god, give me some attention. Someday I might deserve it.

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