Sunday, July 21, 2013

Post-Cannes Bloggin'

The study abroad has long ended and my grade has since come in so I now feel free to use this blog for whatever I might.

So welcome to The Factory: Post-Cannes Edition.

What have I been up to since leaving the glittering world of the French Riviera? 

The week following the program I went to Herrang Dance Camp. It is a magical place in Sweden where you do nothing but dance for week long intervals (and fuel yourself almost completely with ice cream). I took a series of lessons in advanced Lindy Hop with a good friend of mine from Atlanta, GA.   It was common place for people to walk down the street singing Gordon Webster pieces or break into a set of Charleston moves. Everyone dressed like people from the 1930s and 40s and tattoos as well as headbands and hair flowers were abundant.  Needless to say it was my heaven - except for the part where I felt like my feet might fall off or my calves might never relax. I'll go more into detail about what I learned in a separate post.

On the last night of the camp I danced until 5AM packed my things and got on a shuttle to the Stockholm airport at 6AM. I spent the rest of the day getting to Amsterdam where my mother was waiting at our hotel. I explored Amsterdam with her for a week which was not nearly enough time to see the city. 

Now, I'm sitting in the stark white Paris apartment my mother and I have rented writing this post with the mercifully reliable internet connection we have.  I've been here for a week so far and I'll be here for another week. Still, I'm not sure we're going to see all the things we'd like to.

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